Our Focus

Dr. Parker’s primary focus will be on building patient relationships, making complex

medical decisions, and providing quality of care.


Dr. Lisa Parker started this practice to be able to spend adequate with each patient, listen carefully, and do a thorough physical exam. She is a seasoned physician with 23 years of experience, including 14 years in the emergency department. After obtaining all previous outside medical records, physician notes and test results, she brings the patient in for a detailed history and performs a thorough physical examination. If needed, advanced diagnostic testing is scheduled at the patient’s affiliated hospital system.

Diagnostic Medicine

CDM specializes in difficult-to-diagnose cases as diagnostic challenges. Statistics reveal that patients with unusual or rare diseases often go 8-10 years before they are accurately diagnosed. These patients visit multiple physicians, specialists and undergo extensive testing but still have no proper diagnosis. Some patients have not had any testing done, even though they feel poorly and realize something isn’t right. This situation usually arises because they were made to feel uncomfortable or were blown off by a healthcare provider in the past, causing them to just shut down or give up. Often, prescription medication keeps being added to alleviate or mask symptoms instead of figuring out the root cause. Our goal at CDM is to investigate by delving deeper into the matter!

Nutritional Implications of Diet

CDM specializes in difficult-to-diagnose cases as diagnostic challenges. Statistics reveal that patients with unusual or rare diseases often go 8-10 years before they are accurately diagnosed. These patients visit multiple physicians, specialists and undergo extensive testing but still have no proper diagnosis. Some patients have not had any testing done, even though they feel poorly and realize something isn’t right. This situation usually arises because they were made to feel uncomfortable or were blown off by a healthcare provider in the past, causing them to just shut down or give up. Often, prescription medication keeps being added to alleviate or mask symptoms instead of figuring out the root cause. Our goal at CDM is to investigate by delving deeper into the matter!

Company Goals

Long term goals are to have multiple providers, have a referring relationship with a network of strong specialists, and to sublease office space to related services.

Short term goals are to build up the practice by establishing patients and add an advanced practitioner in 6 months.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to deliver innovative, highly personalized and patient-focused treatment.

Making it Precise and Reliable

The highly focused, individualized medical care offered at CDM helps us reach the very root of what your disorder stems from.

Company Vision

Hippocrates noted the direct relationship between food causing disease and food curing disease. Modern Healthcare has focused on pharmaceuticals to “manage” chronic disease, but prescribing pill after pill has not changed the trajectory of disease. In fact, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, chronic pain, and obesity have only increased in recent years.

The Empathetic Procedure We Follow

Dr. Lisa Parker started this practice to be able to spend adequate time with each patient, listen carefully, and do a thorough physical exam. Before the initial appointment, past medical records will be gathered so that our healthcare expert can review all previous test results, hospitalizations, and prior treatment, and see if anything has been missed.

We Reach the Root Cause

CDM specializes in difficult-to-diagnose cases that turn up more or less as diagnostic challenges. Statistics reveal that patients with unusual or rare diseases often go 8-10 years before they are accurately diagnosed. These patients visit multiple physicians, specialists and undergo extensive testing but still have no proper diagnosis. Some patients have not had any testing done, even though they feel poorly and realize something isn’t right. This situation usually arises because they were made to feel uncomfortable or were blown off by a healthcare provider in the past, causing them to just shut down or give up. Often, prescription medication keeps being added to alleviate or mask symptoms instead of figuring out the root cause. Our goal at CDM is to investigate by delving deeper into the matter!